The Area of responsibility consists of tasks with a set of standards you should maintain over time.A Project is a series of tasks linked to a goal with a deadline date.It's an organizational system that uses these four top-level categories to organize information. PARA stands for Projects, Areas, Resources, and Archives. If you're not happy with the structure, you can tweak the section groups, subpages, or move your stuff to a new notebook.įREE CHEAT SHEET: Organize Your Computer Files Like a Pro PARA System to Organize Information Now, you can put any number of sections, pages and even sort them. Purpose of creating a notebook? Align your notebook with any overarching notetaking goal.Will you access the notebook on the OneNote mobile app? A smaller targeted notebook works better on slow connections and requires less storage.Is your notebook likely to balloon with images, videos, or attachments? There could be issues with sync speed and reliability issues.Do you want to share a notebook with someone else or a team? Create a dedicated notebook for this purpose.OneNote offers everything for users obsessed with orderliness. It's also possible to indent pages two levels deep for further organization.

You can create many sections or merge them into section groups. Or, you can create a separate notebook for every project or subject. You may collect everything that you want to remember in one notebook and rely on the search function. The way how you organize notebooks is a matter of individual preferences.